Sunday, November 22, 2009

Say Cheeze.....

Alrighty about 2 months ago My mom-in-law Carol, some how managed to get about 99% of all her family together for a few pictures which is amazing considering the size of this family, it took me awhile to actually get them on my computer so finally here are some of them....lots of these pictures turned out really well....of coarse my 2 great boys, and then some big old family photos.

It is almost like playing where is Waldo....where is Dev and Gen...I can't find them.....Oh there they are :). I can't really see there faces......some one needs to tell that family to stop growing.....hahahaha. Those are thoughts that I know are going threw some of your heads.


Reta said...

Hey girlie! I hope you and your family are feeling better. I picked up something while I was there or on the way back... I feel like I'm swimming in my own head. Don't know if that makes any sense... So I haven't been on here in ages and you have all these cute new posts! I love your family. I wish we could've spent more time with you!